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Become a partner – The Night Foutains Show

Homepage Become a partner – The Night Foutains Show

Become a partner of the Versailles lighting project!

Château de Versailles Spectacles is currently working on a major project: the renovation of the lighting system in the Jardin de Versailles and the façade overlooking the Jardin du Château. This 5-year project represents a major financial investment.

Château de Versailles Spectacles will only be able to complete this ambitious and demanding project with the help of one or more partners.

Companies, you can support this sparkling project. Partners in the Versailles lighting project will benefit from the media spotlight that this renovation will generate, and will receive a number of advantages: tickets for the Grandes Eaux Nocturnes or for the shows, visits, receptions and visibility.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information and to build a partnership that’s just right for you.




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